
The facelift is one of the most popular procedures around, but it features a lot of negatives. It’s invasive, surgical and can cause intense bleeding. That’s what makes Ultherapy so exciting. It provides the benefits of a facelift without the inherent negatives because it uses sonic waves to rejuvenate your look. Please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.

How Does Ultherapy Work?

Ultherapy is less of a facelift and more of an uplift. It provides natural, noticeable results for facial neck skin. Ultherapy lifts, tightens and generally provides a more youthful look. As you age, gravity begins to take a toll on your skin. This results in saggy, droopy and generally unsightly skin.

Ultherapy corrects this and stands up to gravity through the use of ultrasound. Not dissimilar to the type of ultrasound that expectant mothers receive, Ultherapy is performed with a smooth handpiece placed over the affected skin area.

This handpiece emits ultrasonic waves that bypass the surface of the skin. Whereas laser skin treatments only affect the top, cosmetic layer of the skin, Ultherapy goes deep within and targets the structural skin tissues where collagen is created.

By going deep and stimulating collagen, Ultherapy gives your look an uplift. The tiny deposits of ultrasound energy tighten and gradually lift your skin, which gives you a more youthful look and helps to eliminate sag.

Is Ultherapy Right for Me?

Ultherapy stimulates your body’s natural healing processes through the use of ultrasonic waves. While Ultherapy isn’t for everyone, it is FDA-cleared for the treating and improving facial skin. Ultherapy is:

  • Fast: Unlike a conventional facelift, Ultherapy can be performed in just an hour.
  • Safe: Ultherapy is non-invasive and non-surgical. No incisions or cuts are made as a part of the procedure.
  • Easy: Because Ultherapy is non-invasive, it features virtually no downtime, unlike traditional facelifts which can take some time to recover from.
  • Effective: Ultherapy has been used by physicians and estheticians all over the world to turn back the signs of aging and create a more youthful look.

Take Control of Your Skin

There’s no reason you have to accept saggy, wrinkly and droopy skin as you age: Ultherapy provides a safe, non-invasive solution. If you’re interested in the power of an ultrasonic uplift, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.